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CUPL Welcomes Delegation from Yamanashi Gakuin University

Time:2024-03-08    Author:     ClickTimes:

On the morning of March 5, 2024, Chang Baoguo, Vice president of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), welcomed Takako Aoyama, President of Yamanashi Gakuin University, at CUPL's Haidian Campus. Accompanying President Aoyama were Xiong Dayun, Director of the Global Learning Center and special-term professor of the Faculty of Law, and Liu Xing, Deputy Director of the Global Learning Center and professor of the Faculty of Law. Also present at the meeting were Pang Jinyou, Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration of CUPL, Ren Hongsheng, Deputy Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration of CUPL, Chen Jingshan, Associate Editor of the Tribune of Political Science and Law, and Tang Yan, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange of CUPL.

(Vice President Chang Baoguo meeting with President of Yamanashi Gakuin University, photo credit: Lu Yunkai)

(Representatives from Yamanashi Gakuin University visit CUPL, photo credit: Lu Yunkai)

(Representatives of the two sides exchange the cooperation agreement, formalizing the partnership, photo credit: Lu Yunkai )