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CUPL Professor Pan Handian Won the “SCU Award for Outstanding Contribution to Legal Education”

Time:2016-06-24    Author:     ClickTimes:

On June 1, 2016, CUPL received the delegation of SCU (Soochow University in Taipei) and held the award ceremony of “SCU Award for Outstanding Contribution in Legal Education” for Prof. Pan Handian at the Xueyuanlu Campus. Council Chair Prof.Shi Yajun attended the ceremony on behalf of CUPL.

In his opening speech, Prof. Shi spoke highly of Prof. Pan for his great contribution in legal education, academic monographs, academic translations and textbooks. Prof. Shi praised Prof. Pan as the “great master of comparative law education”, an “ambassador between Chinese and foreign law communities” and a role model for us. In addition, Prof. Shi reviewed the cooperation and exchanges between CUPL and SCU. He also expressed the wish that Prof. Pan would continue to serve as a bridge between the two universities for closer cooperation in the future.

Prof. Zhao Weiliang, Vice-President of SCU presented the award to Prof. Pan, who is now 96 yearsold. Prof. Pan accepted the award in person and then delivered his acceptance speech.