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President Huang Jin Meets with Former Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Sergey M. Shakhray

Time:2017-12-13    Author:国际合作与交流处     ClickTimes:

In the afternoon of December 6, 2017, Prof. Huang Jin, President of CUPL, met with Prof. Sergey M. Shakhray, former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and current Vice Rector of Moscow State University and Prof. Yang Xinyu from Fudan University.

President Huang first extended a great welcome to Sergey M. Shakhray for his first visit to CUPL, and then recalled his pleasant visit to Moscow State University in June of this year. President Huang said, as the top university of legal education in China, CUPL was delighted to have established partnership with Moscow State University. He also pointed out that Russia was viewed as an important strategic partner of the "Belt and Road" Initiative. Therefore, the partnerships among universities in Russian and CUPL will facilitate scholarly exchanges of legal research and education between the two countries.

Prof. Sergey M. Shakhray thanked Prof. Huang for his hospitality, and expressed his high expectations for Sino-Russian political and legal exchanges. He hoped to see more cooperation in other fields between the two universities. Then Prof. Shakhray welcomed CUPL to establish partnerships with Russian universities, including setting up more high-end research institutes as think-tanks for the two administrations, and advancing the comparative legal studies between the two countries. He also invited President Huang and the CUPL delegation to participate in the Centenary Celebration of the first Soviet Constitution of 1918.

(President Huang Jin meets with Sergey M. Shakhray, former Deputy Prime Minister of Russian)

Finally, Prof. Shakhray had an in-depth discussion with Prof. Huang Daoxiu from CUPL and representatives of the CUPL Press on the publication of his book in China.